Iraê Exports | Regional Honey from Brazil

LOGO - IRAE - Regional Honey Exports Brazil - Raw & Original

Our sales and logistics team is eager to help you on your journey!  

Get in touch by filling out the form below or send an email to [email protected] or through Whatsapp: +55 11 98999-0651


    Fill in the form below

    Don't forget the country code!

    Choose the options between the sizes of your demand.

    Choose which kind of brazilian honey to trade

    Which country you want to export to.

    Your message

    Tell us more about your commercial project, all the information will help us to give you a more accurate answer.

    Attach the honey purchase form if available


    Honey international trade - brazilian honey exports - Pricing

    *Fill out the form for the options to appear.

    Terceirização de envase mel com SIF

    GDPR compliance – Mel.com.br

    IRAÊ MEL complies with GDPR and will therefore securely store any information you share through this website, committing to your privacy.